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Lucy Maud Montgomery

Author: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara

Illustrated by: Anuska Allepuz

Meet L. M. Montgomery, the creator of Anne of Green Gables.

As a young girl, Lucy Maud Montgomery found comfort in reading, writing, and her imagination. When she grew up, she wrote about the childhood she wished she had, creating one of the best-loved characters of all time: Anne of Green Gables. Babies and toddlers will love to snuggle as you read to them the engaging story of this wonderful writer, and will also enjoy exploring the stylish and quirky illustrations of this sturdy board book on their own.


Format: Board book, 24 pages

ISBN: US 9780711243194 , UK 9780711243187

Size: 6.142in x 4.98in / 156mm x 126.5mm

Published: August 6, 2019

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Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara

Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara

Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara, born in Barcelona, Spain, is a writer and creative director in constant search of new concepts for children's books. Working for more than fifteen years for clients in top advertising agencies, her books combine creativity with learning, aiming to establish a new and fresh relationship between children and pop culture.

Anuska Allepuz

ANUSKA ALLEPUZ grew up in Spain where she studied Fine Arts at the University of Salamanca. She has always enjoyed drawing and writing stories, her work is driven by story-telling.


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